Chad Brown is 27 years old with cystic fibrosis and lives in Seattle, Wash. Chad took his FEV1’s from 29% to 58% through the power of swimming. He previously was listed for a double lung transplant, and now he is getting his college degree, working to support himself, and exercising for life! Chad moved from Memphis to Seattle a few years ago and with a new CF team and new therapy and exercise discipline, he is LIVING, BREATHING and SUCCEEDING on a daily basis.
- Chad was born in Tennessee and was diagnosed at birth.
- “Growing up I was always treated very differently and in many ways babied. This temporarily helped me cope with the disease, but eventually it took a negative toll on me,” Chad says.
- Insurance issues forced Chad to move to the state of Washington. “Washington has a user friendly state insurance program for people with cystic fibrosis.”
- “For me, along with my therapies, swimming has kept me alive and healthy. When I first started swimming, I could barely swim a lap. I now swim 45 minutes … 5 days a week!”
- Chad is pursuing a college degree in engineering, working more than 30 hours a week to support himself, involved in a great relationship and looking forward to marriage and starting a family. “Life is good,” he says.
- Chad’s advice to others with CF: “No matter what, NEVER give up. It’s your life, and you only have one, so take charge and care of yourself!”
This “LIVING. BREATHING. SUCCEEDING.” Podcast/Vodcast series is the 1st in a series of 12 made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.