Julie Desch is 48 years old with cystic fibrosis and lives in Northern California. Julie is a single mom with two fabulous children. She works from home running a non-profit – New Day Wellness (www.newdaywell.org) — and is LIVING, BREATHING and SUCCEEDING on a daily basis.
- Julie has realized the benefits of nutrition and exercise. At New Day Wellness, Julie coaches nutrition, fitness, stress management and disease management to people with chronic illnesses – many with CF.
- Julie was born in Nebraska and was diagnosed at birth. She is the youngest of seven siblings, attended Stanford University, and enjoys golf, running, weight training and reading.
- “I enjoy sharing my thoughts on nutrition, wellness and exercise on my blog (www.sickandhappy.com). This is a great way to get the word out there,” Julie says.
- Julie’s “junk” foods include pretzels, yogurt and frosted mini wheats dipped in peanut butter.
- “I am a firm believer in supplements such as fish oil, NAC and additional vitamins, but ALL are with doctors approval,” Julie says.
- Shakes and smoothies with protein added are a must-have when Julie is not feeling well or needs an extra boost.
- “Eat early and eat often, and make sure you are eating lots of fruit, vegetables and protein – I eat a lot of the right foods.”
- On gaining weight: “Get involved in exercise, and especially weight training, and eat a lot,” Julie advises.
- Julie’s advice to others: “Hope … and be compliant and aggressive to keep your lungs clear.”
This “LIVING. BREATHING. SUCCEEDING.” Podcast/Vodcast is the 11th in a series of 12 made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.

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