With the help of today’s therapies, cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are now living longer and achieving more than ever before. Pulmonary treatments are enabling adults with CF to pursue their dreams by entering college and the career world.
“Kristin McFall, Time Management and Staying Compliant in Adulthood,? features Kristin McFall, a 36-year-old career woman with CF. Kristin talks about succeeding in life, her career, traveling, and winning the battle with CF on a daily basis through therapy compliance. Kristin believes in the importance of “understanding your disease and partnering up with your health care team.? The podcast is now available for downloading on www.jerrycahill.com beginning on May 4th, 2007.
Kristin discusses the importance of being compliant and proactive as an adult with CF while maintaining a career and busy social life.
Highlights from the Podcast include:
- Taking care of your health and being compliant with medical therapies are an integral part to being successful in your career as an adult with CF.
- The key ingredients to staying healthy and having a better quality of life are: compliance to medications & therapies, exercise, nutrition, hydration, and sleep.
- CF is a life-long illness therefore you must learn to be an expert with yourself and revel in the day!
- t is important to maintain a partnership with your CF Center and stand up for yourself.
- CF adults must learn to “multi-task? and “stay clear? by being disciplined with your health care.
- Kristin’s “Fabulous 4? tips for being compliant include: bronchodilators, Pulmozyme, airway clearance, and inhaled antibiotics.