Lindsay Shipp:The Power of Exercise and Nutrition with CF
LINDSAY SHIPP, 30 years old from Madison, Wisconsin currently living in San Diego, CA for the past 7 years and studied classical ballet for over 20 years. Lindsay’s hobbies include running, spinning, heated yoga, and nutrition.
- Lindsay was diagnosed at 9 months of age.
- “I had a normal childhood and traveled the USA competing in dance,” states Lindsay.
- After 20 years of ballet Lindsay stopped exercising and her lung function dropped considerably
- “When I stopped dance and exercise I started to get sick a lot more and my lung function dropped drastically… so I started the long uphill battle back to exercising with treadmill, spinning classes, and eventually running outdoors. It took months to get back in shape and clear out my lungs,” states Lindsay.
- Living with CF and exercising is a “journey…”” and that journey is what keeps Lindsay going and evolving.
- Lindsay’s motivation to exercise is her CF and clearing out her lungs and “coughing it out”.
- Lindsay’s goal is to run the Boston Marathon in 2015.
- Lindsay’s advice…”Get out there and do any type of exercise” It’s all about the journey…
This CF Podcast is made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from GILEAD to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.

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