Laurie McDonald, Social Worker at UNC Transplant Center Makes a Difference
Jerry Cahill interviews Laurie McDonald, Transplant Social Worker at UNC Medical Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Laurie works closely with the medical team, patient, and family to make sure everything runs smoothly with the transplant.
- Laurie is involved in lung, heart, liver, and kidney transplant social work.
- Cystic Fibrosis disease progression is the reason for over 50% of lung transplants at UNC.
- “Financial issues as well as re-locating and waiting for the transplant are the biggest challenges for patient and family? states Laurie
- UNC Transplant Center offers support groups to patients and family that is both educational and good forum for stress release.
- Laurie recommends setting up a “fundraising team? ASAP once you are listed to help ease the financial burden of unexpected expenses.
- Laurie’s advice:
1. “Live everyday /minute of your life and don’t count on transplant to turn your life around?
2. “Prepare Financially?
3. “Exercise – the surgery and recovery will go smoother?

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