Ashley White, Awaiting a Double Lung Transplant at Duke Medical Center, Looks Forward to Being Able to “Breathe Again”
Jerry Cahill interviews Ashley White
- Ashley White was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at 4 months of age.
- Ashley has 4 sisters and 2 brothers, one brother also has CF.
- Ashley attends home school daily.
- Medication, therapy, more medication, and more therapy Ashley spends many hours a day being compliant to here routine trying to stay healthy along with nightly tube feeding.
- Ashley enjoys scrap booking and spending time with her friends and family.
- Listed for a double lung transplant in March 2005 after being on oxygen 24/7 and when her FEVs dropped below 24.
- Ashley, along with her mom, had to face and make the big decision regarding the double lung transplant surgery.
- My Mom has been the biggest influence on my life
- KEEP GOING! Ashleys advice to others with CF and facing a transplant.
- Without my Mom, who pushes me, I may have giving up

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