“A Day in the Life of a CF Mom/Caregiver: Catherine Hopkins”
Catherine Hopkins is facing the challenge of balancing a full-time job as a vet technician while making it possible for her 3 year old son, Philip to LIVE BREATHE SUCCEED with CF. Catherine and her husband, David, knew the diagnosis was a possibility just 8 weeks into the pregnancy and dove into research immediately. Since then, they have relied on their faith, friends, and family for support throughout their journey.
- When Philip was diagnosed at 3 weeks old, they jumped into educating themselves about CF and therapies. Research and education are two of the most important things as a caregiver facing the challenges of CF.
- “We have been lucky,” Catherine states. In three years Philip has never been hospitalized or had any major scares.
- At just 3 years old, Philip is brave in handling his therapies. “He’s my hero,” states Catherine. She is glad he was diagnosed young because it is all he knows.
- Catherine is a CF mom, but she is also a normal mom who wants the same things all other moms want for their children.
- Catherine and her family don’t think twice about the everyday responsibilities of a CF caregiver. “It’s just a part of our life,” states Catherine.
This “LIVING. BREATHING. SUCCEEDING.” Podcast/Vodcast is made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.