Josh Mogren: Moving Forward After Losing a Sister to CF
Josh Mogren is a 32-year-old with cystic fibrosis and cerebral palsy. Josh, who lives in St. Paul, Minn., discusses overcoming all obstacles with CF, including the loss of his sister, Angela, to CF. Josh has been happily married to Carly for five years, and also enjoys the company of their two dogs and the puppet, “Moganko.” Josh has a blog (, is a movie buff, enjoys singing karaoke, and is LIVING BREATHING & LOVING LIFE.
- Josh was diagnosed with CF at birth; his older sister, Angela, also had CF.
- Josh has fond memories of his Angela: “Angie was strong-willed, very funny and a real prankster. My sister taught me to be a strong advocate for myself, and that is very important when you have an illness like CF,” Josh says.
- “Growing up, Angie was a lot sicker than I was, and that was very frustrating for her. I felt terrible about it ‘cause I was doing so much better – it was not fair,” he says.
- Josh believes it’s ok to be sad but that people with CF have to keep fighting and be HAPPY!
- “Having fun and making light of things is the key to being happy. That is why I created my blog and YouTube site (“Welcome to Joshland”). I share a lot of my thoughts and stories about my life, CF, and otherwise,” Josh says.
- Josh appreciates things a lot more since the loss of Angie, and he feels blessed to have a great family and friends.
This “LIVING. BREATHING. SUCCEEDING.” Podcast/Vodcast is made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.