Kevin McCrea, 18 years old with cystic fibrosis, lives in Washington and loves life. Kevin attends Washington State University, is involved in many sports and enjoys spending time with family and friends. He believes in “shaking up the lungs and clearing them out” through vigorous sports.
- Kevin was diagnosed with CF at age two and grew up in a small town in the Northwest. Living in the country, Kevin enjoys swimming, hiking, fishing and riding dirt bikes.
- “In high school, I was actively involved in team sports, including track and field [four years], basketball [two years] and football [one year]. Sports was a social event and has made a major impact on my health,” Kevin says.
- Kevin’s training in basketball and track and field was two hours a day, six days a week, and the running and jumping made him cough and clear out his lungs.
- Kevin on being compliant: “I believe in staying compliant and doing all my treatments, including exercise, so I can stay healthy and live a long life.”
- The biggest challenge Kevin faces with CF is time management of all the treatments.
- “CF is not a big deal to me … I was born with it, live with it, and it will not stop me,” he says.
- Kevin’s advice to other teens with CF: “Push forward an never give up – be active and go for it!”
- “Step it up! Get out there and live and do not alienate yourself.”
This “LIVING. BREATHING. SUCCEEDING.” Podcast/Vodcast series is the 5th in a series of 12 made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.

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