Jerry Cahill is 52 years old and is Living, Breathing and Succeeding with cystic fibrosis. Jerry talks about being listed for a double-lung transplant. Exercise has been a key factor in his life to keep his lungs clear and continues to be important pre-transplant.
- Jerry grew up in Brooklyn, NY. He attended the University of Connecticut, competed in track & field specializing in the pole vault, worked in the apparel industry for 26 years, coaches track & field and a prep school, and volunteers at the Boomer Esiason Foundation as he awaits a double-lung transplant.
- “Maintaining a positive attitude and being involved with people and events is key as I await the call,” Jerry says.
- “As my disease progresses due to shortness of breath, and my quality of life deteriorates, it is time to move on to the next step – transplant,” he says.
- Jerry believes he has been preparing for a transplant his whole life, as it is just another part of the battle with CF. “With CF, you always need to be prepared and RE-INVENT yourself!”
- Jerry’s advice: “Stay active and involved, have a great team of doctors that you believe in, have a great support team of family and friends, fundraise, and gear up for NEW BEGINNINGS as the best is yet to come!”
This “LIVING. BREATHING. SUCCEEDING.” Podcast/Vodcast is the 9th in a series of 12 made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.

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