Scott Johnson is 35 years old with cystic fibrosis and LIVING, BREATHING, SUCCEEDING as he celebrated 6 years post double lung transplant on September 15th. “Dreams do come true,? states Scott, as he gets ready for the Hawaiian Ironman Championships on October 13th 2007 in Kona, Hawaii. This is the most prestigious race in triathlon and the pinnacle of most people’s career. The Hawaii Ironman is the equivalent of the Tour de France, the Super Bowl, the World Series, and Wimbledon. Scott, competing for Team Boomer, has accepted this challenge to try and inspire people with CF to make exercise a part of their normal routine.
- Scott grew up in Jacksonville, North Carolina and was diagnosed with CF at 2 months.
- Scott received a double lung transplant on September 15th 2001.
- “Exercise and a Positive Attitude? helped Scott make it through the surgery.
- Scott states: “My quality of life with my new lungs is better than living with CF?.
- On Mother’s Day in May 2003, Scott crossed the finish line of his first triathlon… a gift for himself and his mother Marilyn.
- Scott has competed in over 25 triathlons of various distances and is now ready for the most elite triathlon, the Hawaii Ironman (swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26.2 miles)
- Scott’s family and fiancé, Leanne, will be cheering him on in Hawaii and Scott will be getting married 3 days after the Ironman competition.
- Prior to each race Scott writes his transplant date on his forearm to remind himself of where he came from and his “new beginning?.
- By competing for Team Boomer, Scott is helping to raise money for the Exercise for Life scholarship for people with CF. Join Scott and the cause:
- Check out Scott’s photo’s and video at:
- “Do Not Be Afraid of Death… Be Afraid of the Half Lived Life?
- Scott’s words of encouragement for others with CF or facing a transplant: “Maintain a positive outlook, don’t give up, and keep exercising – miracles do happen…?