Abby Tranel from Hampton, Nebraska wins $10,000 scholar-athlete award for people with CF. Abby ran the 1.5 mile run in 10 minutes 19 seconds at Nebraska Wesleyan University’s track in Lincoln, Nebraska. Abby is a graduate of Hampton High School in Hampton, NE and graduated with a 3.5 G.P.A. and will be attending Nebraska Wesleyan University in the fall.
- Abby has always been involved in sports including volleyball, basketball, and track. School activities include the Student Council, Cheerleading, Speech, Drama, and President of the National Honor Society.
- Abby was diagnosed with CF at birth and also has an older sister with cystic fibrosis that competed nationally in track & field for University of Nebraska.
- “Exercise and therapies for CF have very much become an integral part of my life and daily routine.? states Abby.
- “After a few months of steady running, my lung function tests improved dramatically. It was not just the test results that kept me going with running… I just simply felt better, and most importantly felt that I was now in control of my CF, it was no longer controlling me!? Abby states confidently.
- Abby lives a normal life and does not make a big deal about CF.
- “My mom has taught me and my sister to be very independent at an early age and I thank her for that…?
- Regarding college… “I look forward to meeting new people and am beginning to realize all the opportunities that college and our world has to offer.?
- Besides being compliant to her medication and therapy, Abby has learned the value of exercise, keeping a routine, and following through for positive results.
- “I have realized that if you want to be big you have to dream big… and that is just what I am doing despite having CF!? states Abby.

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