Patrick Robinson from Sandown, NH wins $10,000 scholar-athlete award for people with CF. Mr. Robinson ran the 1.5 mile run in 10 minutes 10 seconds at his former high school Timberlane Regional H.S. in Plaistow, NH as his mom, dad, and younger brothers Andrew and Christopher cheered him on. Patrick recently graduated with a 3.9 G.P.A. and will be attending Boston University in the fall.
- Patrick is very involved in sports including skiing, hiking (Patrick is an Eagle Scout), track, and Ultimate Frisbee and attributes exercise to playing a major part in keeping his lungs clear.
- “Playing the trumpet in marching band also was a great form of airway clearance? states Patrick.
- Patrick was diagnosed with CF at 3 months of age.
- Great Strides Walk-a-Thon team “Patrick’s Patrollers? walks every year to raise money for CFF and a cure.
- Regarding college… “I look forward to meeting new people and being more independent?.
- Besides being compliant to his medication and therapy, Patrick goes above and beyond this daily ritual by running 2 miles everyday.
- “I believe in embracing the disease and not running from it? states Patrick.

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