Kyle Connolly is a 21 year old college student that “stays clear? by doing aerosols and vest treatments 3 times per day and exercising on a daily basis to keep his lungs clear. Kyle works very hard to stay healthy so he can have a better quality of life and enjoy!
- Kyle was diagnosed at 7 weeks due to “failure to thrive?
- Growing up with CF was non-eventful until high school when he started having more infections.
- Kyle attends Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio and will be a senior next year.
- “Being involved in sports all my life has helped keep my lungs clear!?
- Kyle participated in football, baseball, soccer, wrestling, and cross country growing up and now is a varsity cheerleader at Xavier University.
- Kyle also enjoys running and competes in the FLYING PIG MARATHON every May in Cincinnati, Ohio. Kyle is part of a team and runs the ½ marathon (13.1 miles)
- “Time management is the biggest challenge I face daily living with CF but I just do it – I have no choice if I want to enjoy everything life has to offer? states Kyle.
- Kyle is very excited about all the new drugs in the pipeline for people with CF.

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