Brian McCandless is like any average nineteen year old university student except, like 30,000 Americans, he has cystic fibrosis. On May 16th 2007 Brian will cycle from Pittsburgh, PA to Tallahassee, Florida and back… to raise awareness for cystic Fibrosis. Brian will bike over 2,000 miles (25 day trip) averaging 100 miles per day.
– Brian was diagnosed at 2 months of age due to “failure to thrive? and is from West Sunbury, PA.
– Brian is a freshman at Slippery Rock University and a member of the cycling club
– “I believe biking is the best form of airway clearance? states Brian.
– According to Brian “People with CF are often told not to over exert themselves. I say EXERT ON! No one should ever be told they cannot do something?
– Brian believes the most important factor in maintaining his health is “exercise and nutrition?
– “My goal for Brian’s Ride is to increase CF awareness, raise money for CF research, and most importantly, give hope to children who are diagnosed with CF.
– To donate to Brian’s Ride or for more information go to: