Dawn and Stan Zolek are parents of 3 year old Stanley, who has CF and a 1 year old daughter who is a carrier of the gene. They are chairing the NYC Great Strides Walk in their neighborhood, Battery Park City.
The event is “feel good type of day!? and raises money for research to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis.
“Stanley is compliant to his daily routine and does his “work out? (vest treatment) twice a day? states his dad Stan.
Stanley’s website: ilovestanleynyc.com
“CF Great Strides is a fun day with lots of family and community involvement? states Dawn Zolek.
CF Great Strides is a 6.2 mile walk and is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s largest national fundraising event. The event has 100 sites nationally and raised over $32 million last year.
The metro New York area will be hosting 4 sites for the event:
Battery Park City, NYC on Saturday, May 19th 9am
Rye Playland, Rye, NY on Sunday, May 20th 9am
Clove Lakes Park, Staten Island, NY on Saturday, June 2nd 9am
Bowdoin Park, Poughkeepsie, NY on Sunday, June 3rd 9am
More information on CF Great Strides nationally is available at: www.cff.org/great_strides