Emily Schaller “Rocks CF? through rock & roll music…
1. Emily Schaller is 24 years old with cystic fibrosis and living in Detroit, Michigan. Emily believes her goal in life is to “spread awareness? about cystic fibrosis and is doing so in her rock and roll band. www.letsrockcf.org .Emily was diagnosed at 18 months
2. “I attended CF camps when I was younger but they were shut down due to cross contamination… so now people with CF go to cystic fibrosis chat rooms? states Emily.
3. “Time management? is Emily’s biggest challenge due to all the therapy compliance.
4. Emily is allergic to most medications therefore needs to be in hospital for iv antibiotics vs. home care.
5. Emily’s passions include rock & roll and Broadway shows.
6. Activities such as drumming and jogging help keep Emily healthy.
7. Emily is a drummer in a rock & roll band called “HELLEN? and her brother Jason is also in a band called “SOUTH NORMAL?.
8. Detroit Rocks CF is a group of 12 local bands that play music for a worldly cause and have a benefit for CF called “Just Let Me Breath?
9. Let’s Rock CF music cd available at: www.letsrockcf.com.
10. “Keep going… stay active… play in a band or play sports… and live your life to the fullest…? Emily’s advice to others with CF.