Jerry Cahill chatted with Kathryn Norris about her journey with cystic fibrosis in his latest podcast. Diagnosed at 3 months, Kathryn soon moved back to her mother’s home-country, Spain, where she had a different experience growing up with CF. Because of socialized healthcare, she had a great deal of access to specific medications, but no access to more recently discovered treatments. In her hometown, walking to and from school helped her fit exercise into her daily life, as well as a number of extracurriculars including tennis, swim, roller blading, and more.
Tune in to learn more about Kathryn – her path with CF to a double lung transplant and a liver transplant, why she is studying to be a personal trainer, and how she copes with her disease.
This podcast was made possible through an unrestricted education grant from the Allergan Foundation to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.