Michael is 24 years old with CF and 5 months post double lung transplant. Michael is from Nebraska, and loves fishing, hunting, exercising, and EMS. Michael also loves the outdoors and helping people. He was diagnosed at 4 months old and has a younger sister who is 20 years old, without CF.
Michael never let’s his CF stop him from doing the things he enjoys
In 2001 Mike began to understand the severity to his CF, due to a collapsed lung.Michael believes that with a life threatening disease “feel lonely at times” is typical, so you need an outlet like exercise to feel better.
Michael states“Post transplant, is the best I have felt. Ever… I can finally breathe and have a great outlook on life” and he is extremely thankful to the donor.
Michael believes “if he keeps working hard and exercising he can keep his new lungs healthy and have a great quality of life”
Life with a life threatening disease is “difficult”
Michael is happy to wake up every morning and enjoy life and thankful to his donor and family everyday
This educational podcast was made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Allergan to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.